Hardware Kit – 1500 – 15350



The photo represents all hardware kits but is not this exact hardware kit.

Hardware Kit 15350 – 1500. This is the hardware for the standard assembly of the 1500 with the updated part numbers.  You may also purchase each item separately.  We have done our best to anticipate what you might need, but it will be different for each customer.  Please make sure what you need is included in this kit.

15350 Hardware kit includes:

55860 x 20 Screw – Major Frame Assembly

12340 x 2 Cotter Pin- Butterfly arm install

13290 x 1 Hairpin Cotter- Attach incline bench to frame

12620 x 2 Washer/bushing- low pulley / ab pulley / over any ½” pin

13790 x 2 Button Head Screw – freeway bearing pivot points

14500 x 2 Screw – closed foam pad attachments / leg–ab assembly station

17750 x 2  Shaft Retainer (Hub Cap) – Pivot shaft retainer

20850 x 20 Screw – cushion attachment

55870 x 2 Screw – used in frame where 55860 is not used

56410  x 6 bolt – All Stations platform assembly

10600 x 6 nuts – secure pulley bolts

17810 x 2 shoulder bolt – replaces 40220 for press arm assembly

27990 x 5 Xmas Tree – replaces nut/bolt combination for cable retainer openings

29190 x 1 bolt – top plate install

26140 x 1 washer – top plate finishing washer

52910 x 4 bolt – used with some pulleys

23300 x 1 bolt – used with some pulleys and column caps

48830 x 2 Bolt- 1/2 dia. x 3/8 long shoulder. Used with the press handle.


57670 – weight stack bumper, two piece replacement part number 57670


Pins/pivot shafts – not included in this kit.  Make sure you have all the pins/pivots required for this machine while you are placing this order.  They are not included with this kit.


20660 – Top plate “U” clip not included with this kit.